Monday, November 11, 2013

The Whole30 Challenge - Review

Tomorrow is Day 30 of my Whole 30 Challenge. If you'd like to read about the challenge from the beginning, start here and follow through by clicking "newer posts."

 I'm bullet-pointing my thoughts and conclusions, including why I don't think eating Paleo is THE answer, below:

I lost 10-12 pounds.  I credit that to the fact that I ate WAY less food.
I didn't increase my activity level during these 30 days, so the weight loss was all food-related.
I didn't count or even look at calories, fat content, or anything else other than ingredients.
I ate less food because I wasn't craving food.
I never felt deprived or starved.
Most of the time, I didn't eat until I was physically hungry and could feel my stomach growl.
I'm convinced the reduction in cravings was due to eliminating sugar and processed foods.
I never felt a boost in my energy levels. of my digestion seemed very "off" during these 30 days.  I certainly wasn't seeing Ms. Ideal, and I am not one to have bathroom issues.
Chocolate MousseI did continue to drink coffee with my favorite CoffeeMate Natural Bliss creamer. I had 2 mugs of coffee or less per day, with about 3 tablespoons of creamer. I tried to make an approved creamer, but it was yuck. I might attempt the recipe again one of these days.
I did enjoy (although I only made this a couple of times during the 30 days) this treat made with dates.
I'm glad I took the challenge.

What does this mean I'll be doing from now on?

I will reduce my meat-eating.  I just can't keep up the amount of meat required for this diet in its most strict form.
I will continue to eat eggs almost daily, fish, chicken and occasional red meats.
I will eat organic, grass-fed, free-range meat sources when I do eat meat.
I will continue to avoid sugar as much as possible. I can feel that removing sugar reduced or even removed my constant cravings.
I will eat some grains my doctor approved: steel-cut oats, brown rice, quinoa, and a very occasional gluten-free, low ingredient bread.  My doctor recommended I keep my grain intake under 4 servings per week.  I will be interested to see how that affects my food cravings.
I will add back small amounts of dairy. (Some organic milk and occasional Greek yogurt, but not cheese.)
High-quality, dark chocolate.  Amen.
I will add some beans/legumes to my diet.
I will continue to add more vegetables and fruits to my diet.
I will not fall for the trap of a "low fat" diet. I know from experience, those don't work.
I will add activity and tough workouts back into my routine.
I will continue to compare what I eat with how I feel, then make adjustments as needed.

The key, I believe, is balance, eating less altogether, eating more whole and natural foods, moving more, and finding what works for YOU.  There will always be the next big study that proves eating one way or the other is best or bad for you. Just read through these two and your head will spin:
Forks Over Knives
Whole9 Start

I also believe that the Bible says:
-Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.-So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Whole30 Challenge! Surviving Halloween

I've accomplished days 14-19 since my last post.  Most of the days have been the same.  I do notice I feel more "awake" throughout the day.  The carb-and-sugar-filled foods, I'm still not craving.  I've been able to find a nice balance of fish, poultry, and a little red meat so that I'm enjoying the meals.

The biggest change is that I'm not constantly wanting to eat or even thinking about food.  I love this!

Halloween was last night.  Our street has a cul-de-sac party, setting up table and bringing a potluck.  I cooked up some chicken tenders (chicken breast dipped in egg white, dredged in a mixture of coconut flour and some spices, then skillet cooked with some clarified butter.)  I ate chicken and some veggies, then kept a Lara Bar in my pocket in case the candy temptation hit.  It really didn't, but later in the evening, when friends were enjoying eating together, I opened up the Lara Bar and enjoyed eating with the group.  It was as much social as anything.

This morning, as I cooked breakfast, I thought about how many Halloweens I've totally overeaten my kids' candy.  (Almond Joy is my favorite.)  I'd continue to eat lots of candy over the next several days. Then, to satiate my guilt, I would eat "real" food, even though I wasn't hungry.  Since I seem to have trouble stopping the candy-eating, this new system of "just don't even start" really worked for me.  I hope that some day, I'll be able to enjoy a couple pieces of Halloween candy and stop there, but I'm just not at a place where I can do that yet.  For now, I can honestly say that I didn't miss eating candy last night (and at the 2 or 3 other Halloween parties we attended).

Happy Halloween!

I've still not started a consistent exercise regimen.  My oldest has found some tough workouts on YouTube she wants me to do with her.  I've put her off for three days now, so today's the day!