It's only been a week and a half, but hey, that's better than the big, fat nothing I've been doing for the past almost year now.
A week ago Monday, I started back to boot camp. It helps tremendously that four girlfriends are meeting me there. That really helps me get my butt out of bed on Mondays and Fridays.
Boot camp only meets twice a week, though, and we took off for Thanksgiving week, so that meant it was up to me to get out and do some workouts.
Monday 14: Boot camp
Wednesday 16: 2.5 mile run/walk
Friday: Boot camp
Saturday: Ran/walked 2.5 then 3.11 miles
Tuesday: Ran 2 miles, did some boot camp moves in the middle
Wednesday: Ran/walked with stroller 3.25 miles
Thursday: Rode bike 30 minutes, free weights 15 minutes
I really have no excuse not to get to the gym. This is my view out my balcony:
See the balcony just above the pool? That's our very well-stocked, 24-hour gym. I've only been a handful of times since moving here.
Most people know that fitness is 20% workouts and 80% diet, so I've begun using's
My Plate app. I know from experience that restricting any one type of food does not work for me, so I've just been keeping track of what's going in my mouth. It helps me decide what's worth it and what is not. Like Beth Moore reminded me in "The LORD God Made Woman,"
Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible, but I will not be mastered by it. I could have that today if I wanted to, but I don't want to. Come Thanksgiving, I'm going to have some pecan pie, amen? And I'll bless it and thank God for it. {paraphrased}
Another plus to running? Nice views. |
So that's what I've done. And even with two Thanksgiving dinners during my first week, I still took off two pounds. Pounds. That's another issue. In the past, I've let that pesky number master me. (See Beth's reminder of scripture above.) I've let the number on the scale master me. However, it does prove beneficial for me to keep an eye on my weight or I simply end up neglecting it. So, I'm purposing to only weigh once per week. And if I'm not happy with the number, I think back on the positives of the past week and decide to not log my weight for that week. Often, it's a temporary thing, as my weight can fluctuate 2-4 pounds depending on the time of day, month, or what I might have eaten the day before.

I also used to allow the scale to dictate my moods and alter my decisions. This time, I'm going to keep doing what I know is good for my health regardless of what the number shows that day. I'm also asking God to keep me grounded on His Word and who He says I am. I was thinking
back to when I was at my smallest and fittest. One lady who worked in the nursery at church asked me how I got my stomach so flat. I was astounded, because I still felt like I was fat. I told her she didn't see my belly without clothes on and scoffed at her compliment. Within that same time, another very tall, very thin "friend" of mine told me I was doing well and I was "getting there" with my weight loss. I was hurt, but also chose to believe her. I told myself, " ARE still fat. Even she notices."
This time around, I"m purposing to focus on
who God says I am. I find my worth and definition in Him.
I Corinthians 6:1

"Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.